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2023-09-10 Chlorhexidine Mouthwash 氯抗菌

This medication is used along with regular tooth brushing/flossing to treat gingivitis, a gum disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when you brush.

How to use Chlorhexidine Gluconate Mouthwash
Rinse your mouth with the solution after brushing your teeth as directed by your doctor, usually twice daily (after breakfast and at bedtime).

Measure 1/2 ounce (15 milliliters) of the solution using the supplied measuring cup. Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out.

Do not swallow the solution or mix it with any other substance. After using chlorhexidine, wait at least 30 minutes before rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash, brushing your teeth, eating, or drinking.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

這種藥物與定期刷牙/使用牙線一起使用可以治療牙齦炎,這是一種導致牙齦紅腫和容易出血的牙齦疾病。 氯己定屬於一類被稱為抗菌劑的藥物。 它的作用是減少口腔中的細菌數量,有助於減少牙齦腫脹和發紅以及刷牙時的出血。


使用隨附的量杯量取 1/2 盎司(15 毫升)溶液。 將溶液放入口中漱口 30 秒,然後吐出。

不要吞嚥該溶液或將其與任何其他物質混合。 使用洗必泰後,至少等待 30 分鐘,然後再用水或漱口水漱口、刷牙、進食或喝水。

An affair to remember.