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2009-12-17 名人教英文﹕不要太被動

(明報)2009年11月18日 星期三 05:20
【明報專訊】大家都知道,英文有active voice(主動式)和passive voice(被動式)。Albert is cleaning the car是active voice,The car is being cleaned by Albert就是passive voice。

什麼時候用active voice,什麼時候用passive voice呢?我們想知道Albert在做什麼,就會說Albert is cleaning the car,但如果我們的關注點是在那部車子,就會說The car is being cleaned by Albert。

試看另一個例子:People in Brazil speak Portuguese和Portuguese is spoken in Brazil。第一句的著眼點是指出巴西    人說的語言,而第二句亦有這個意思,但值得注意的是不用說Portuguese is spoken in Brazil by people,因為這是不言而喻的了。

再說一個例:My watch was stolen this morning(我的手表今早被人偷了),我關心的是我的失表事件,但你仍然可以用active voice說Someone stole my watch this morning。

舉另一個例子:Professor Charles Kao was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics(高錕教授榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎)是passive voice;亦可以說:They awarded Professor Charles Kao the Nobel Prize in Physics——active voice。

再舉個例:The prime minister offered him a post in the cabinet——active voice,倒過來說:He was offered a post in the cabinet,是passive voice。

問題是,愈來愈多人濫用被動式。香港很多不堪入目的「港式中文」源頭正是硬譯被動式英文。如:He was appointed a member of the committee,英文沒問題,中文就變為「他被委任為委員會成員」,「被委任」這三個字實在大有問題。

另一個例子:The public should be consulted,官式翻譯是「公眾應被諮詢」,但這根本不是中文。如果我們改用active voice:The government should consult the public,「政府應該諮詢市民」,不是通順得多嗎?

濫用被動式,另一個原因是官樣文章橫行。最著名的例子是「汝曾被警告」。較近代的說法是Notice is hereby given…如果改用active voice:We hereby notify you…,就不會有此下場。
Payment should be made on the 1st of every month,究竟應由誰付款?You should pay on the 1st of every month,清清楚楚,你就是那個要付款的人。Reform should be carried out…是誰去改革呢?

如果改以active voice:The government should carry out reforms…,責任誰屬就清楚得多了。濫用被動式不但導致拙劣不堪的中文,而且助長不負責任的心態。
